Framed by the chain of Himalayas Mountains, Nepal is a country where it is possible to enjoy the charm of wild nature and the beauty of a rich historic-artistic heritage even while travelling for work, moving from one site of transmission to another, across streets teeming with bikes and motorcycles.
Unfortunately, this country has recently been devastated by a catastrophic earthquake which has caused serious material damage to houses, commercial activities as well as to major infrastructures and monuments.
Nonethless, the Nepalese have immediately found the strength to react and take concrete actions to rebuild the country, also bringing forward projects in the field of telecommunications.
As NEETRA team, we took part in the project cooperating with The National TV network.
Such experience was one of the most challenging, since we contributed to the construction of National TV and Radio transmission sites all over the country, leading a pivotal role in the project of digitalisation of the National Television Network.
We are very glad to have contributed to the progress of a population struck by a terrible calamity but with a strong desire to start again!