for VHF and UHF Amplifiers

The amplifiers in TV High Power amplifiers series are designed to simplify transport and installation, ensuring high working reliability.
The high modularity, high power density, low weight, satisfy the most demanding installations. Furthermore, the high efficiency allows a very low operative cost.
Thanks to the high linearity of the amplifiers, achieved with the use of latest 50V LDMOS devices technologies the performance with analogue and digital TV signals are excellent.
Each Power Amplifier drawer is equipped with an autonomous LCD and keyboard user interface, AC power supplies and cooling. Moreover, each PA can be used in a stand-alone operation without any external hardware and/or software additional tools. Forcing the design using strongly oversized components and parts, at least with two items, allow an intrinsic native redundancy concept (LDMOS, Power Supplies, Cooling, Heat-sink) saving space and MTBF.
The cooling of the amplifiers is guaranteed by an extremely noiseless forced air cooling system.
The presence of a Control Unit that collects all measures from amplifiers and from antenna system
ensure a single control point to access to all MOSFET currents, power supplies voltages, temperatures of the heat sinks, amplifiers output powers together with the RF power reading of the output antenna system. A multifunction display on the Control Unit makes it possible to verify all the operating parameters of the unit.
The amplifiers in the series are remotable by wired telemetry connector or by serial communication, or with optional Web Server and SNMP interface.