Visiting Luanda, the modern capital of Angola, we found out that in addition to “Samba”, there exists also “Semba”. This pleasant and enthralling music stems from the same Afro-Portuguese matrix as the Brazilian Samba.
Accompanied by the joyful rhythm of Semba, we faced the long but fascinating displacements among the 70 national broadcasting stations distributed throughout Angolan territory, where many other television stations are currently using our compact transmitter solutions characterized by high reliability and efficiency.
Our Angolan experience was enriched by the great expertise of Total Media Group, our local team of technical-commercial experts. They supported us with excellent reports over Angolan territory and a rapid intervention technique that allowed us to finalize the large amount of installations in a very short time, guaranteeing at the same time excellent results in terms of performance and quality of service.
All that was accompanied by succulent local dishes and Semba as background music!