FM Microwave Links
The new series of FM links achieves the goal of uniting the good-quality technical specifications and the modern design with a limited price.
All this is possible thanks to the SMD technology used to produce the boards, as well as the design of all the sections with the newest and well-proven technologies allowing to grant uninterrupted functio- ning without problems, high selectivity and immunity to adjacent channels in the receiver and a higher audio quality. All input/output connectors are moun- ted on the boards and all connections between boards are made by means of point-to-point multipolar connectors strongly reducing wiring and making the device reliable and easy to maintain and repair.
The power supply source is wide input range (90- 250Vac) switching that is automatically switched to a +24Vdc external battery to ensure continued functio- ning even in absence of power supplying.
The user interface is 16Cx2R alphanumeric display allowing to monitor and change frequency, forward and reflected power (Tx only), temperature (Tx only), alarms level, modulation level, battery voltage and remote enable.
All functions are remotely controllable by means of an RS232 or RS485 (internally selectable) interface on Rx only, while a telemetry port allows to manage some fundamental functions.